Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Ronn Torossian reveals four ways to win with new media

There’s a violent and aggressive video short slamming virally across the Internet that puts the durability and capability of the famed GoPro action camera line front and center. Flush with killer stunts, endless action and outstanding editing, the short film almost makes you forget you (might) be watching a commercial. In fact, halfway through you hardly care. You just want to climb into the screen.
WARNING! NSFW: This show contains scenes and language that some viewers may find disturbing

Official Music Video by Biting Elbows

Here’s what the company did right and how Ronn Torossian believes you should apply those principles to your business.

Do something that hasn’t been done
Has anyone ever produced a short spy movie where you see through the eyes of the special agent? Well, if they have, it hasn’t gone viral online before this one did. An aggressive combination of first person shooter storyboarding melded with the tried-and-true “use it and we’ll post it” GoPro advertising model, this video squarely hits its intended market in a way that hasn’t been done before – at least not this well.

Combine things your market loves

GoPro is all about the vicarious experience, so they have created a live action first person shooter commercial. The video plays like the Bond’s-eye view of a spy movie. Quick cuts, high energy and a viewpoint the ideal target market is very familiar with. First person shooter mode. It might seem counterintuitive for a company that makes money when people use their products outdoors to make a movie that appeals to gamers, but the marketers correctly assume that many of their target market are both outdoor adventurers and gamers. From a public relations standpoint, the lesson here is to expand your thinking in a way that can connect multiple things your customers love – with your product or service at the center.

Keep your viewers watching

This video is mesmerizing. It takes off like a shot and forces you to hold on for dear life. Combining the drama and action of a well-crafted shoot-em-up, the film puts its foot to the floor and dares you to hang on. As a viewer it’s nearly impossible to get bored or distracted watching this video.

Make the message easy to share

Even if you have no idea what’s going on or where this video is filmed, it’s still easy to talk about. All you have to say is “it’s like you’re watching a Bond or Bourne movie AS Bond or Bourne.” Message received. For anyone in the PR business, making your topic easy to talk about is job one. No user will ever repeat your content word for word or recite a video frame by frame. You have to implant easy takeaways interested users can easily share.

Apply these tips to your PR efforts and you can expect improved interactivity and solid success.


Friday, 9 August 2013

Optimizing Social Media Return on Investment (ROI)

They say that you get what you pay for; but since outreach through social media is free, are you getting a cheap valued return? As we know, there are two different ways to utilize social networking and social media resources for building your business. There’s the free way, which is reliant on slow, methodical outreach to build a following, and the faster way, which requires investing in paid ads to promote your product or company for microtargeted outreach.
So the question is, what, if anything, should a business spend on advertising through social media? Spending is almost always a good idea, but on the whole, it’s not an easy question, and the answer becomes more complicated as the intended market grows bigger, and more diverse. But these three tips from 5W Public Relations CEO Ronn Torossian will help to maximize the return on the investment.

1. Go With the Bigger Options

Social Media Option

When advertising on Facebook, Twitter, Google, Yahoo, and other internet resources, the package is sold based on number of views. For example, a non-corporate Facebook fan page will promote a post through mutual contacts at different rates for estimated number of views, starting at 920-1,700 for $5 and up to the $50 option for 8,300-16,000 views.

When buying this type of outreach, always go with the larger options, since the view count is never an exact science. If you want your product promoted to a targeted audience of 8,000 people, select the 8,300-16,000 option, since the cost difference is minimal, but the return will be great enough that you will hit (and likely surpass) your goal, instead of coming up short at the end of a marketing campaign.

2. Use Paid Advertising to Redouble Free Media Efforts

Sponsored Posts on FacebookYou may have to pay to get an ad featured on Twitter, but it costs nothing to spread an intriguing hashtag. If you are going to spend the money to promote tweets onto people’s feeds, then make sure that the tweet has an element that can help raise viral outreach, such as an easy to pass on hashtag. Something that gets the twitterscape excited will lead to the hashtag trending, and that will help lead those people back to your product. Don’t waste space on things like #Deal or #Savings.

Dress it up, and make it as interactive as possible, either by letting people tell their story with the hashtag, or say what’s on their mind. Hashtags like #WhyILove_______, or #________Stories allow people to actively push your brand, without costing you an extra penny.

3. Don’t Compare Dollars and Cents

Social media advertising doesn't translate to profit in a straight line. Remember, social media is a tool best used for promoting brand identity, not direct selling of products and services. Wrigley’s doesn't sell gum on Facebook. They raise awareness for their brand and their brand message, so the consumer buys Wrigley’s when they go to the gas station. Use the tool right, and you will be rewarded.


Sunday, 4 August 2013

Guest Post to ronntorossianupdate.com - Mobile Recruitment: A big step for Employment Industry?

With the increasing rate of mobile users growing exponentially, many industries find this as an opportunity to market their services. Even job recruitment goes with the flow. With job boards and advertisers brainstorming ways to spread faster information, Mobile Recruitment comes up as one of the brightest ideas in getting more people for the job.

In a nutshell, Mobile Recruitment is a form of recruiting and establishing connections to prospective applicants that use mobile devices. Although many people have different perspectives on how Mobile Recruiting works. Some find it as just another tool to apply on the site itself, others think of it as only a website optimization tool for phones.

How does Mobile Recruitment Work?

People check their mobile phones everyday. From text messages to daily alerts in social networks, it has become a very powerful tool to keep users updated on the go. But how does it really work? Here are some of its ways to reach prospective clients:

Quick Response codes, also known as QR codes direct prospects to certain career sites. With just a simple scan on these barcode-esque squares using a smartphone, employers and recruiters can drive prospects to their job postings and websites.

SMS is available to all mobile phones unlike e-mails. These text alerts builds connections with applicants for job applications or other recruitment related details. New job vacancies or career events are sent to customers in real time. As people check their messages on their mobile phones, they become easy targets for catchy job ads.

With location based Apps, users get more detailed information and further customization for their smartphones. Upload or create resumes, search for jobs by keywords, you can even get recommendations according to the nature of work you wish to apply for.

The Future of Mobile Recruitment

As mobile phones deliver a fresh experience with its advanced developments and innovative features, it has become one of the primary necessities for many people. Building connections has indeed, become a primary necessity. People can't help checking their phones while traveling just to see an update or to send text messages about whatever they can share.

Companies and recruiting agencies begin to capitalize as mobile devices now play a big role in connecting people through the fastest means possible. Talent acquisitions are now state-of-the-art as recruitment process can now begin by a simple touch on the phone.

Mobility is no longer an optional extra in technology. As it becomes a necessity for companies and recruiters alike, Mobile Recruitment is set to prove its use in attracting new people in the global market competition. And with the rapid growth of mobile technology, who knows? Your dream job might be literally one text away.

About the Author

Reese Jones is a tech and gadget lover, a die-hard fan of iOS and console games. She started her writing venture recently and writes about everything from quick tech tips, to mobile-specific news from the likes of O2, to tech-related DIY. Find more about her and her work at Reese+ or tweet her @r_am_jones.
