Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Ronn Torossian Reveals 5 Ways to Manage Crisis PR

5WPR CEO explains some tools to help clients work through crisis PR issues.  Throughout my career, I have found that a simple, forthright approach to crisis public relations offers the best short- and long-term results. Five steps are important for any successful crisis PR strategy. #1 – Consult with your Crisis PR agency immediately When the police want to talk ... Read More

Thursday, 5 December 2013

An Interesting Spin by TIME Magazine

I’m not a doctor. I’m a former TV lackey turned public relations professional.  And while I appreciate that there is a world of difference between medicine and media, I do have a working understanding of both. As such, I struggle when media looks to assign deeper meaning to the selfish actions of individuals, as if some pathology behind them would ... Read More

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Cloud Server Provider DigitalOcean Joins 5WPR’s Corporate Practice

We are excited to announce that DigitalOcean, a New York-based cloud server and hosting provider named 5W Public Relations as its agency of record. Our Corporate Practice will carry out media relations and provide strategic communications counsel for the growing cloud company. Boasting over 200,000 Linux–based cloud servers since inception, DigitalOcean is a TechStars startup accelerator graduate. Each SSD “Droplet” (the company coined term for ...Read More

Sunday, 15 September 2013

Ronn Torossian Gives 3 Reasons Why Print Media Matters

As CEO of 5W Public Relations, Ronn Torossian wants to make this abundantly clear: When it comes to an impactful PR campaign, print media matters.

A lot of people reading my blogs salute me and congratulate 5WPR for embracing new media and the Internet age. While it is true that at 5WPR we respect the limitless public relations potential of new media, we still have a lot of love for “news” media. There are several reasons why we still recommend print media and respect its power to command public perception. Here are three of the top reasons.

#1 – Print is still the gold standard

No matter whom you ask, getting on the front page of “the paper” still carries serious weight. It means you have arrived, that your story is the most important thing happening that day. No matter how popular TV, radio and the Internet are from a consumption standpoint, print media still commands respect. Experienced PR firms understand that print is tangible, and that still matters. This is not to diminish other forms of public relations, only to point out that print media still has power.

#2 – Print is still a strong opinion maker

People believe what they read. Sure, there are a lot who believe what they hear on the radio or see on TV, but when they read it, most people simply accept that story as established fact. As understood by various PR firms, information conveyed in print is presented in a point-by-point format that allows readers to accept and establish opinions.

#3 – Finite space increases perceived value

Perception is reality. Even if they don’t acknowledge it, print media consumers respect what they see on those pages simply because they know, on some level, it is there and something else is not. The innate finiteness of print forces editors to decide what gets priority. Scarcity – or understood limits – increases perceived value. Thus, a message in print carries more weight simply because it is there.

While these three factors help to establish print media as a public relations powerhouse, Ronn Torossian warns that the power and potential of any PR campaign cannot be measured in general terms. Each campaign must be deliberated and delivered based on specific terms and proven analytics. For help developing and communicating your best possible PR message, contact Ronn Torossian and top PR agency 5WPR here.


Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Ronn Torossian reveals four ways to win with new media

There’s a violent and aggressive video short slamming virally across the Internet that puts the durability and capability of the famed GoPro action camera line front and center. Flush with killer stunts, endless action and outstanding editing, the short film almost makes you forget you (might) be watching a commercial. In fact, halfway through you hardly care. You just want to climb into the screen.
WARNING! NSFW: This show contains scenes and language that some viewers may find disturbing

Official Music Video by Biting Elbows

Here’s what the company did right and how Ronn Torossian believes you should apply those principles to your business.

Do something that hasn’t been done
Has anyone ever produced a short spy movie where you see through the eyes of the special agent? Well, if they have, it hasn’t gone viral online before this one did. An aggressive combination of first person shooter storyboarding melded with the tried-and-true “use it and we’ll post it” GoPro advertising model, this video squarely hits its intended market in a way that hasn’t been done before – at least not this well.

Combine things your market loves

GoPro is all about the vicarious experience, so they have created a live action first person shooter commercial. The video plays like the Bond’s-eye view of a spy movie. Quick cuts, high energy and a viewpoint the ideal target market is very familiar with. First person shooter mode. It might seem counterintuitive for a company that makes money when people use their products outdoors to make a movie that appeals to gamers, but the marketers correctly assume that many of their target market are both outdoor adventurers and gamers. From a public relations standpoint, the lesson here is to expand your thinking in a way that can connect multiple things your customers love – with your product or service at the center.

Keep your viewers watching

This video is mesmerizing. It takes off like a shot and forces you to hold on for dear life. Combining the drama and action of a well-crafted shoot-em-up, the film puts its foot to the floor and dares you to hang on. As a viewer it’s nearly impossible to get bored or distracted watching this video.

Make the message easy to share

Even if you have no idea what’s going on or where this video is filmed, it’s still easy to talk about. All you have to say is “it’s like you’re watching a Bond or Bourne movie AS Bond or Bourne.” Message received. For anyone in the PR business, making your topic easy to talk about is job one. No user will ever repeat your content word for word or recite a video frame by frame. You have to implant easy takeaways interested users can easily share.

Apply these tips to your PR efforts and you can expect improved interactivity and solid success.


Friday, 9 August 2013

Optimizing Social Media Return on Investment (ROI)

They say that you get what you pay for; but since outreach through social media is free, are you getting a cheap valued return? As we know, there are two different ways to utilize social networking and social media resources for building your business. There’s the free way, which is reliant on slow, methodical outreach to build a following, and the faster way, which requires investing in paid ads to promote your product or company for microtargeted outreach.
So the question is, what, if anything, should a business spend on advertising through social media? Spending is almost always a good idea, but on the whole, it’s not an easy question, and the answer becomes more complicated as the intended market grows bigger, and more diverse. But these three tips from 5W Public Relations CEO Ronn Torossian will help to maximize the return on the investment.

1. Go With the Bigger Options

Social Media Option

When advertising on Facebook, Twitter, Google, Yahoo, and other internet resources, the package is sold based on number of views. For example, a non-corporate Facebook fan page will promote a post through mutual contacts at different rates for estimated number of views, starting at 920-1,700 for $5 and up to the $50 option for 8,300-16,000 views.

When buying this type of outreach, always go with the larger options, since the view count is never an exact science. If you want your product promoted to a targeted audience of 8,000 people, select the 8,300-16,000 option, since the cost difference is minimal, but the return will be great enough that you will hit (and likely surpass) your goal, instead of coming up short at the end of a marketing campaign.

2. Use Paid Advertising to Redouble Free Media Efforts

Sponsored Posts on FacebookYou may have to pay to get an ad featured on Twitter, but it costs nothing to spread an intriguing hashtag. If you are going to spend the money to promote tweets onto people’s feeds, then make sure that the tweet has an element that can help raise viral outreach, such as an easy to pass on hashtag. Something that gets the twitterscape excited will lead to the hashtag trending, and that will help lead those people back to your product. Don’t waste space on things like #Deal or #Savings.

Dress it up, and make it as interactive as possible, either by letting people tell their story with the hashtag, or say what’s on their mind. Hashtags like #WhyILove_______, or #________Stories allow people to actively push your brand, without costing you an extra penny.

3. Don’t Compare Dollars and Cents

Social media advertising doesn't translate to profit in a straight line. Remember, social media is a tool best used for promoting brand identity, not direct selling of products and services. Wrigley’s doesn't sell gum on Facebook. They raise awareness for their brand and their brand message, so the consumer buys Wrigley’s when they go to the gas station. Use the tool right, and you will be rewarded.


Sunday, 4 August 2013

Guest Post to ronntorossianupdate.com - Mobile Recruitment: A big step for Employment Industry?

With the increasing rate of mobile users growing exponentially, many industries find this as an opportunity to market their services. Even job recruitment goes with the flow. With job boards and advertisers brainstorming ways to spread faster information, Mobile Recruitment comes up as one of the brightest ideas in getting more people for the job.

In a nutshell, Mobile Recruitment is a form of recruiting and establishing connections to prospective applicants that use mobile devices. Although many people have different perspectives on how Mobile Recruiting works. Some find it as just another tool to apply on the site itself, others think of it as only a website optimization tool for phones.

How does Mobile Recruitment Work?

People check their mobile phones everyday. From text messages to daily alerts in social networks, it has become a very powerful tool to keep users updated on the go. But how does it really work? Here are some of its ways to reach prospective clients:

Quick Response codes, also known as QR codes direct prospects to certain career sites. With just a simple scan on these barcode-esque squares using a smartphone, employers and recruiters can drive prospects to their job postings and websites.

SMS is available to all mobile phones unlike e-mails. These text alerts builds connections with applicants for job applications or other recruitment related details. New job vacancies or career events are sent to customers in real time. As people check their messages on their mobile phones, they become easy targets for catchy job ads.

With location based Apps, users get more detailed information and further customization for their smartphones. Upload or create resumes, search for jobs by keywords, you can even get recommendations according to the nature of work you wish to apply for.

The Future of Mobile Recruitment

As mobile phones deliver a fresh experience with its advanced developments and innovative features, it has become one of the primary necessities for many people. Building connections has indeed, become a primary necessity. People can't help checking their phones while traveling just to see an update or to send text messages about whatever they can share.

Companies and recruiting agencies begin to capitalize as mobile devices now play a big role in connecting people through the fastest means possible. Talent acquisitions are now state-of-the-art as recruitment process can now begin by a simple touch on the phone.

Mobility is no longer an optional extra in technology. As it becomes a necessity for companies and recruiters alike, Mobile Recruitment is set to prove its use in attracting new people in the global market competition. And with the rapid growth of mobile technology, who knows? Your dream job might be literally one text away.

About the Author

Reese Jones is a tech and gadget lover, a die-hard fan of iOS and console games. She started her writing venture recently and writes about everything from quick tech tips, to mobile-specific news from the likes of O2, to tech-related DIY. Find more about her and her work at Reese+ or tweet her @r_am_jones.


Monday, 29 July 2013

Too Much New Media? 5WPR CEO Ronn Torossian Sets it Straight

Sometimes, it’s simply amazing to hear the old, tired voices from the past talk about the changes that have come, and how it leads to losing touch with some old, unknown thing that grounds us to our past. We have seen it, through the centuries, with every technological advancement. When it was surmised that we were made sick by germs instead of an imbalance of elements or demon possession, no one screamed louder in objection than the old doctors. When explorers pointed west across the seas, and said the round Earth would carry on and not end, they said those explorers were mad.

In the information age, every step forward in our technology has been greeted with shouts and boos, mostly from those who are stuck in the technology of the past, complaining that this new technology removes some sort of spirit or soul from communication. Even those who pioneered the “new” technologies of their day 50 or 60 years ago make it seem that somehow the texting, tweeting, Facebooking, Pinteresting generation has lost something in the exchange of ease of communication. But maybe, they’ve found something instead.

Wireless Telegraph, 1915. - NationalGeographic
There was a time where the stalwarts decried the death of the letter at the hand of the short-form telegraph (which used to charge by the letter). There were those who believed that the moving picture would be the end of live theater, and kill the art and artistry of performing to crowd. Some people reading this may even be old enough to remember their parent’s laments that rock & roll, along with Elvis and The Beatles, would be the death of “good” music. In each of these cases, while the older generation cried about all that had been lost, the younger generation saw a new way to communicate, either literally or artistically, within the world given to them.

Instagram is as much an art as any other form of photography. Just because the filters and focus are in the camera’s software, and not hardware, doesn’t mean the artist’s eye hasn’t found something beautiful, and photographed it as they’d like to see and remember it. As stodgier voices complain about words being shortened, abbreviated, and made up in texting and tweeting, they should remember that every generation has produced slang, and found ways of shortening and abbreviating words and terms for convenience and ease. If it seems strange today, that is only because never before has communications technology grown so quickly, spread so rapidly, and become so readily available in human history.

This doesn’t spell the end for the old standbys, necessarily. The pendulum always swings back, and what was old will be new again. The Elks Club hasn’t been burnt down to make room for a Google + hangout, but social media is here to stay, and grow, and change our lives in a myriad of ways yet to come.


Thursday, 18 July 2013

Using a Corporate Wellness Program to Boost Morale

Boosting morale within your business is becoming something that more and more business owners are becoming concerned with. From Casual Fridays to free donuts in the break room, there are several approaches to making your employees happier and, in turn, creating a better work environment for all involved parties.

However, one of the morale boosters you should seriously consider is incorporating a corporate wellness program. After all, what are the reasons for people missing work? Reports indicate that that it comes down to illness, stress, and lack of sleep—all brought on by rigorous working conditions. Therefore, incorporating a wellness program of any kind not only tackles this problem head on, but shows youremployeesthat you do indeed care for them.

The goal of corporate wellness programs is to promote health and wellness throughout an organization. This extends beyond simply physical health, but also incorporates emotional and mental health as well. These types of programs can either provide employees with a very basic package of services or much more comprehensive packages.

There are ultimately two significant roles for a corporate wellness program:

1 – They promote and lead to ahealthier lifestylefor your workers. Any companies will create events or contests that are structured around their wellness programs; these include things like mock Biggest Loser contest for weight loss or contests for the tastiest and healthiest recipe.

2 – They result in a decrease in health care expenses while also drastically improving worker morale. The sense of community and healthy lifestyles ties in with these decreases in spending, making everyone happier.

In addition, a well-planned corporate wellness program includes several levels of participation. A few suggestions include, but are certainly not limited to:

·        Health risk evaluations

·        On-site diagnostic screenings

·        Meal planning,

·        Screening and planning for disease prevention

·        Educational tools related to the health improvement of workers

Larger business may also want to look into creating a space where their employees can work out and distress during breaks or even before and after work. Larger businesses are already doing this and showing great results in worker performance and attitude. Of course, this area or facility doesn’t need to be anything elaborate. After all, there is a fine line between promoting your corporate wellness program and allowing workers to take advantage of such good graces.

The important thing to get across in this entire process is to let yourworkersknow that you view them as more than just a production unit. By beginning a corporate wellness program, you are showing that their health and well-being comes first.

As a business owner, you will see an increase in productivity and employee attitudes and satisfaction. A corporate wellness program can quickly become a staple if your business and can actually cause more than just increases in worker productivity—it can also paint your business in a new and more positive light. So while the program is geared towards the betterment of your employees, your business will see huge results as well.


Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Public Relations Job Opportunities

At 5WPR, we are always hiring talented professionals – but if its not an agency job you are seeking, here are some other jobs worth considering:

Web and Social Media Writer, Wildlife Conservation Society: In this position on the digital team of Public Affairs, the staff member will produce content for WCS websites, e-newsletters, and social media platforms with the goal of engaging online audiences. [https://sh.webhire.com/jobcart/view_job.cart?JOB_ID=2688123&ACCT_NAME=WCS&SITE=I&CCC_DEST=CS]

Senior Manager, Editorial Publicity, Forbes Media: Forbes Media Corporate Communications seeks a dynamic and experienced Senior Manager of Editorial Publicity, reporting to the SVP of Corporate Communications. [http://www.mediabistro.com/joblistings/jobview.asp?joid=149732&c=jejppr]

Internal Communications Professional, Morgan Stanley: The Internal Communications Manager is part of the Finance Communications group who are responsible for driving and implementing corporate communications strategy, channels and content for Morgan Stanley's Finance division which is led by the Firm's Chief Financial Officer and is comprised of around 2,600 employees in offices around the world. [http://www.fins.com/Finance/Jobs/342818/Internal-Communications-Professional?utm_source=SimplyHired&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=SimplyHired]

Manager of Digital Communications, GE: Reporting to the Director of Digital Communications, this role will act as a digital strategist for corporate communications. An innovative thinker and pioneer in this space, the Manager of Digital Communications will work closely with GE businesses, global communicators and digital marketing team GE to develop and implement a strategic, proactive and holistic external digital communication strategy. [http://careers.naspa.com/jobseeker/job/13333816/Manager,%20Digital%20Communications%20(Job%20#%201726891)/GE/?vnet=0&str=8801&max=100]

And if its an agency job you want, we are always accepting resumes at careers@5wpr.com


Monday, 24 June 2013

5WPR CEO Ronn Torossian With 5 Social Media Myths

Myth 1: Social Media is not for serious people. If you think that social media is just for kids and for entertainment purposes only, think again. It’s a source of information. It’s a place where you can put yourself out there and brand yourself, tell your story. It’s a way to engage the public and extend your circles of influence. Nonprofits and businesses figured that out long ago. That’s why you have Facebook pages like the Charleston Animal Society, Unicef, and Kars For Kids. There is no reason at all to miss out on social media just because 1) Kids have discovered it and 2) It’s fun. It’s a valuable venue for professionals. ‘Nuff said

Myth 2: I set up my LinkedIn profile so I can cross it off my to-do list. Sorry, but that’s just not the way it works. Think of your LinkedIn profile as a living thing that must be fed from time to time to remain viable and you’re at least three-quarters of the way to understanding this social media networking thing. Use your LinkedIn profile to keep people apprised of your professional accomplishments. You don’t want to look like you’re in a steady holding pattern. You want to look alive and happening. Post updates and refresh your profile from time to time. Remember—there’s no such thing as job security. You want to be ready for whatever is coming down the pike. Keeping your LinkedIn profile up to date is professionally prudent

Myth 3: Twitter isn’t for “real people.” You don’t have to be a Kardashian or Anthony Wiener to use Twitter. It’s a great, not to mention free resource for sharing information in real time in really short soundbytes. Not sure what you’re doing there? Not to worry. Just hang out and watch how others do it first. Then you can make a few tentative tweets. Soon you’ll have your own distinctive voice (should that be “bird song?”)

Myth 4: No one at work is looking at those photos I posted from that wild weekend party. Guess what? Once someone sees something, you can’t undo it. So if it’s something you don’t want your boss or your coworkers to see, don’t post it. Rule of thumb? If you wouldn’t want your MOM to see, don’t post it. If you just can’t resist, fix your privacy settings for goodness’ sake. And if you’re in the market for a new job, go through your Facebook albums and delete whatever gives an impression you don’t want to give a potential employer.

Myth 5: The way I vote, what I buy, and the books I read are my own business. Sorry, but it just doesn’t wash. Your public persona is your public persona—unless you have a split personality. A potential employer is going to research you on the web with whatever means are available. Facebook? Sure. He’ll go there to see if you are as you represent yourself. He wants to get an idea of who you really are. Ditto for Twitter, Google+, Tumblr, and so on and so forth. If it’s something you don’t want him to know, don’t put it out there.


Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Entrepreneurs Are Inspiring

One of my favorite things about 5WPR is the amazing entrepreneurs we get to meet and work with. Regardless of the industry, entrepreneurs have such great energy and desire to win.

Some great entrepreneur quotes:

  • “Winners never quit and quitters never win.” Vince Lombardi
  • “The secret of getting ahead is getting started.” Agatha Christie
  • “One doesn’t discover new lands without consenting to lose sight of the shore for a very long time.” Andre Gide
  • “Vision without action is daydreaming and action without vision is a nightmare.” Anon
  • “The road to success is always under construction.” Arnold Palmer
  • “There is only one success – to be able to spend your life in your own way.” Christopher Morley
  • “The best time to plant a tree is twenty years ago. The second best time is now.” Chinese Proverb
  • “Be a King. Dare to be Different, dare to manifest your greatness.” Jaachynma N.E. Agu
  • “Entrepreneurs dream big and do big.” Mark Birnbaum
  • “As long as you’re going to be thinking anyway, think big.” Donald Trump
  • “Whenever an individual or a business decides that success has been attained, progress stops.” Thomas J. Watson
  • “If you ain’t making waves, you ain’t kickin’ hard enough.” Unknown
  • “Success is the maximum utilization of the ability that you have.” Zig Ziglar
  • Source:http://ronntorossian.com/entrepreneurs-are-inspiring/

    Thursday, 6 June 2013

    Rutgers University Crisis Ain’t Going Away

    Expect a continued firestorm of negative media for Rutgers University due to mismanagement of their ongoing crisis public relations issues. The new Rutgers athletic director Julie Hermann has been slammed in the media over the last few days for a variety of reasons – and the school has already been embattled due to previous scandals. They are making many mistakes in how they are handling the media – and one can expect to see more and more and more media on it because of it.

    There’s a rule book to properly managing PR when under-fire – and in my humble opinion, Rutgers isn’t handling the process in the right way:
    Not making Julie Herman available for interviews. By not giving the media access to her only makes them whet their appetite more. She has to do interviews, like it or not. Shunning the media will not make this issue go away. Hiding is not an option. There are many rumors and innuendo about her and they have to be addressed.

    Whether via a one-on-one interview, or releasing a taped video statement, issuing a press release saying basically she is busy and doesn’t have time makes fools of the media. It’s a poor strategy.

    The President of the school isn’t joining her for the press conference – why? This is a major league crisis and the boss has to show up and take responsibility and answer the call.

    Ignoring this issue won’t make it go away – Let’s look back at one of the most high-profile sports crisis situations of the last few years: Tiger Woods. What should have been a three- or four-day story grew because Woods waited too long to address the questions and the controversy. (and the mystery continued unanswered.) Had he given a statement immediately rather than many weeks later this story wouldn’t have gone as far.

    Julie Hermann is going to face a gauntlet of media and is now in the big-leagues of major college sports. This issue won’t go away and needs to be handled immediately.


    Sunday, 2 June 2013

    Digital Survey Results With Ronn Torossian of 5WPR

    Interesting survey conducted in Europe recently which has findings that are very relevant for all of us in the marketing world. More than two thousand students were surveyed – and they found that more than 70% of those surveyed believe the “marketing landscape will be 'dominated' by Content Marketing and 'PR Thinking'.”

    Great news for all of us in the PR agency world – and it is quite true as we are now able to cut through the filter to reach consumers, brand targets and more. But it is heavy lifting – and not nearly as easy as it was before.

    All that said, the students overwhelmingly also found that “85% either agreed or strongly agreed that by 2023 social media and digital agencies would not be stand alone specialists and that by then they will be integrated with other marcoms agencies or be full service themselves”- which indeed could also be true as agencies need to consider all forms of communicating to brands and consumers. One track thinking doesn’t work today – as we all have known it is indeed increasingly about integrated marketing as we have pontificated for quite some time.
    Ronn Torossian said “These are results which are very interesting – but not very surprising. Pr Agencies have always been about managing conversations – and today’s conversations naturally involve digital thinking. We know that the Public Relations will keep growing – and weren’t surprised at this survey.”

    Press Release on the survey may be read at:


    Monday, 27 May 2013

    Ronn Torossian Book At Amazon.. And Many Public Libraries

    As someone who has spent many, many hours of my life – from childhood until today with my kids – in a New York City Public library it was really amazing this weekend to see my book, “For Immediate Release: Shape Minds, Build Brands, and Deliver Results with Game-Changing Public Relations” in my local branch library. Really cool.

    Of course, the book continues to sell well at Amazon, Barnes and Nobles, Walmart and many other locations. And while it was a time-consuming project, it was something which I really enjoyed doing and continue taking great pride in.

    If you don’t own it yet, please get it today here.

    Friday, 17 May 2013

    Harnessing Technology for Workplace Productivity

    There seems to be an ongoing debate when it comes to technological advancements as far as the latest digital devices and software and workplace productivity. While some harness these developments such as project management software like Asana or Basecamp, others are slow to adopt these new advancements.

    Although, the answer isn’t always black and white, as an entrepreneur who has developed one of New York’s top PR agencies from the ground up, I’m always on the lookout for new technology, whether it be a device or piece of software that can help improve efficiency and productivity across my company.

    Over the years I’ve seen the PR industry go from Bacon’s to Cision and faxes to smartphone emails. The fact of the matter is that the technology industry as a whole is ever-evolving and will continue to be day-by-day, week-by-week and year-by-year. CEOs, senior leadership and business owners should embrace the fact that these new capabilities are springing up at such a rapid pace.

    Now, am I saying that folks should use and experiment with every new piece of technology or software that is released and find a way to integrate it into their business, no. Use a practical and strategic approach when it comes to doing so. Perhaps you’re looking for new CRM software that will help your sales team or a specific tool that will help streamline social media efforts. Do the research and implement these changes into your everyday efforts to ensure that they will help your day-to-day processes while also keeping the big picture in mind.

    5W Public Relations has seen quite the change in the tech world over the last 10 years since our inception in 2003 and we’re looking forward to what the next 10 brings.


    Friday, 10 May 2013

    5WPR has been ranked as 5TH best Beauty & Fashion PR agency

    5WPR, one of the largest independently owned public relations firms in the United States, offers cutting-edge services in integrated marketing, public relations, strategic planning, reputation management, event marketing, celebrity sponsorships, digital/social media, and product integration.

    The firm was founded by Ronn Torossian, one of the finest public relations experts in the US. 5WPR is headquartered in New York and also has an office in Los Angeles.

    5WPR has more than 90 PR professionals who with their professional and result-driven approach have taken the firm to the pinnacle of success.

    O’Dwyer’s, a leading public relations publication, announced that “5W public relations” is ranked 5th best PR Company, specialising in beauty & fashion PR.

    Known for implementing customized, creative, and effective media programs designed to reach the clients’ business objectives, 5WPR also earned a spot in the INC. 500 list in 2007.

    Thursday, 2 May 2013

    Anthony Weiner & Crisis PR

    Local headlines are all about Anthony Weiner’s big interview with New York Times magazine which has already been shared online– where Weiner seemingly toys with the idea of running for Mayor of the Great city of New York. Certainly, this interview was arranged and the “coming-out” party for public reaction to Weiner and his high-profile wife, Hillary Clinton staffer Huma Abedin.

    Weiner clearly didn’t heed the advice of a crisis PR agency back then – but it is because he lied to his wife and so he had to keep lying to the public. It’s what I said then, and what I believe now – Anthony Weiner’s political obituary has not yet been written.

    Expect to see a return of Anthony Weiner to the talk show circuit at the very least – and the man had been brilliant at Public Relations until his downfall. He’s BACK.


    Tuesday, 30 April 2013

    5WR undoubtedly rules the PR industry

    5WPR is one glorious example of PR excellence. Ever since the firm was established in the year 2003, its CEO, Mr. Ronn Torossian together with the able and skilled staff of the company has worked wonders for their clients. They have worked in close connection with their esteemed clients and made it possible for them to reach their goals.

    The fame and popularity of the firm grew over the years and they have reached such a high-point due to their capabilities that they are now counted as one of the top 25 PR firms in the country. They have taken total control over the PR requirements of the people in the country and the clients are definitely benefitting from their timely and efficient services that speak for them.

    It remains to be seen what the future bestows upon this company which has ever since fought their rivals with utmost grace and healthy spirit for importing quality services.

    The PR magnet creating milestones

    In this competitive era, there is need for proper PR solutions that can help develop businesses and individuals keep a crystal clear image in front of the media. 5WPR is one of those firms which have undertaken the task of leading from the front and taking the PR industry by storm.

    Mr. Ronn Torossian, the leading man of this company has nurtured it and helped it grow from a small endeavor to a large fir that offers PR services for some of the major celebrities and brands throughout the country. The firm has grown to become one of the top 25 PR companies in the vicinity, its popularity growing by leaps and bounds.

    Not only has the company proven to be the epitome of professionalism since years, but has also helped many clients reach their PR goals with the help of their savvy service line.

    5WPR – the innovative brainchild of Ronn Torossian

    5WPR is one of the most well-known PR firms in the United States that was ranked 23rd in the list of largest independent PR firms in the country by J. R. O’Dwyer Company in the year 2011.

    The firm began in 2003, as the brainchild of Ronn Torossian, a successful PR agent, and soon became one of the fastest growing companies in the field. In fact, Inc. Magazine cited the company as the one of the quickest growing companies in the US for 2 subsequent years in 2007 and 2008.

    The never ending list of clients that the firm has handled includes powerful political people like Rinat Akhmetov (the richest man in Europe), Ehud Olmert (the Israel Prime Minister), and Nir Barkat (Jerusalem Mayor) as well as people from entertainment industry such as  Ice Cube, Snoop Dogg, Lil’ Kim, and Sean Combs, to name a few.

    Friday, 29 March 2013

    Secrets of Brand Building

    What is it about some slogans that stay with us, long after the products they represent are but a memory? They just feel right, those words, and we find ourselves repeating them and forever associating products and services with them. We may not have even noticed those goods before the slogan caught on, but quickly welcomed them into our lives, as the catchy words crept into our daily lexicons.

    You could think about this subject at length—what makes a slogan catch on—and a definitive answer will still elude you. Even the top advertising companies won’t be able to put a finger on what it is exactly that makes one advertising campaign catch on like wildfire while another goes bust before it ever gets off the ground. Studying the most successful advertising campaigns yields little information of value.

    You could point to the cadence of the words as in the popular McDonald’s campaign, “You deserve a break today,” but that would only be a part of the equation. It’s also the way the fast food chain seems to understand that we all work hard for a living. They understand we’re craving leisure and a way to get away from the daily grind. We like that they “get” us.

    You could focus on the clever idea of combining humor with a message, such as the cranky old lady in the Wendy’s commercial who demands to know, “Where’s the beef?” It makes us giggle, but we get it: all other burger places are using dubious amounts of actual beef in their products while Wendy’s is the real deal—the place where true burger aficionados go when they’ve got a hankering for a meat patty.

    You could direct your attention to the way Nike makes us all want to try just that much harder with three simple words: “Just do it.” Anyone can be a champion with those three words pushing us on to ever greater heights. It doesn’t matter whether we are rich or poor, black or white. With Nike, we know we’ll do your best and that’s the most any of us could desire.

    Sometimes, an advertising slogan stays with us simply for the nuisance value. The Kars4Kids jingle is the perfect example of this genre. It comes on the radio and we roll our eyes. We sing it in snotty voices to each other, in a childish meter that remind us of nursery school.

    But you know what? That jingle stays with us. And when it comes time to buy a new car, that voice comes on in our heads reminding us of a phone number to call (1-877-Kars4Kids). We donate our cars and we feel darned good about it, despite the obnoxious quality of the car donation charity’s jingle.

    The best jingles and slogans have staying power, whether they are rhythmic, funny, motivational, or annoying. They make us buy product, do good deeds, or cause us to try just a little bit harder. We may not know the secret of how to create a successful advertising campaign, but we know one when we see one.


    Monday, 11 March 2013

    Content Creation

    While 5WPR creates a lot of content, there are many PR Agencies who aren’t creating content – and that surely will change. At the crux of it, we are in the business of managing conversations – some get it, and some don’t.

    Those who get it:
    1. Edelman, the world’s largest PR firm has recently appointed their first ever chief content strategist. According to the announcement, he will “be responsible for efforts to maximize the benefits of content appearing in various forms of media — paid, earned, owned and shared.”
      The Obama White House: As The NY Post reported today, “This administration is more skilled and disciplined than any other in controlling the narrative, using social media to circumnavigate the press.”

      Of course, there’s many PR firms who don’t create content at all – to each his own.

      Ronn Torossian


      Friday, 1 March 2013

      Stay-Cation is the New Vacation

      It seems the experts are torn on whether we’re experiencing an economic upswing or still have yet to hit rock bottom. In any event, a tough economy means more and more households are saving money wherever possible. Many families are cutting costs on luxury items and unnecessary extravagances in order to provide for their household, contribute to retirement, or save for a rainy day. Expensive travel is usually one of the first places where sacrifices are made, since most consider taking a trip something that can really put a strain on a tight budget.

      But the current financial circumstances don’t necessarily mean missing out on the fun and enjoyment of a bonding experience with friends and family. By taking advantage of what the neighborhood has to offer and being a tourist in their own cities, more consumers are making shorter day trips to attractions rights in their own backyard. Going local offers a little stay-cation that saves them money while still providing a type of getaway to see the sights.

       Recognizing this trend, the team at 5WPR takes our job seriously as a travel PR firm. Marketing the stay-cation, just like any other promotion, means peaking the interest of a target audience. The advantage is that reaching our focus group doesn’t require us to look too far beyond our own front door. However, the challenge is presenting the routine sights and sounds of the local area they see everyday in a way that is unique and motivating. There is a tendency for consumers to think that, because they live in the area, they’ll always have the opportunity to visit an attraction or go window shopping down a hopping street district.

       At 5WPR, our team must strive to overcome this complacency by instilling a sense of urgency in our marketing. One tactic is working with our travel PR clients to spotlight a city or neighborhood “bucket list,” that motivates the consumer to act. We want them to walk into that museum they pass by twice a week, but always thought they’d do it another time. And in these economic times, we also need to consult with our clients to inspire consumers in such a way that proves that the perfect stay-cation doesn’t have to cost a lot.


      Monday, 25 February 2013

      Ronn Torossian on FoxNews.com

      Ronn Torossian of 5WPR quoted on Hollywood and politics:


      Dr. Shakil Afridi is a hero who helped America find Osama Bin Laden in Pakistan – and since then he’s been tortured by Pakistan.  Some in Hollywood are saying that “Zero Dark Thirty” can help him be freed — and as I said today on Foxnews.com, Hollywood could indeed make an enormous impact.

      “It would be immensely powerful and heard around the world if stars at the Oscars would raise a voice of moral conscience for Dr. Shakil Afridi,” he said. “Afridi is a hero who helped America and celebrity attention could help this man tremendously. It would send an incredible message to the world that America cares about people who help them if Hollywood would demand freedom for Dr. Shakil Afridi.”


      Saturday, 16 February 2013

      5WPR CEO on Profit, Killing Press Trips & Shark Tank

      1. Interesting news that a recent survey of advertising agency principles showed that they believe a PR firm is more profitable than the advertising business – yet more volatile. Firsthand, I can attest that to be profitable in the PR business is no easy task – requires constant focus and balance. As the media world keeps expanding, profitable independent PR companies keep shrinking.
      2. Good article on why “PR needs to kill the press trip”, and after reading it any smart public relations pro will indeed need to consider the changing times of the media business and how it affects those of us on the other side of the aisle. And indeed, the author is right as he notes that PR pros need to visit newsrooms, and spend time with reporters – even in the digital era, face to face matters.
      3. The ABC show Shark Tank is really a great show for entrepreneurs to watch – it’s in its 4th season and so enjoyable. My friend Daymond John is great and brilliant – and Barbara Corcoran and Mark Cuban smart out of the box entrepreneurs. Great show

      Tuesday, 5 February 2013

      Ronn Torossian Shares Super Bowl Experiences

      Felt like the Super Bowl was in New York City as I didn’t walk the streets of New Orleans without running into people I knew every step of the way. Some observations from this weekend in New Orleans:
      1. Had never before been to New Orleans and am happy was able to visit and spend some time walking the French Quarter and other areas. Amazing boon to tourism as I have been to many other major events but was amazed at how Super Bowl really seemed to take over the city. Interested to see what the effect will be next year in our great city.
      2. So many pop-up stores and unique brand experiences which were all over the city. Was able to see the Justin Timberlake concert which featured Timbaland and Jay-Z. Was able to spend time with important clients, met so many interesting people (including new business prospects), had a drink with a very close friend (whose schedule and mine never seem to work out when we are both home), and even met the founder of a directly competing PR firm for the 1st time. Very worthwhile trip.
      3. With all of the inevitable noise about Super Bowl ads, it is clear that Sodastream is a big winner in terms of Brand ROI as a result of the Super Bowl. Their ad was banned for denigrating Pepsi and Coca-Cola (big Super Bowl advertisers) – and naturally as a result of the banning they got a ton of press.
      Ronn Torossian

      Tuesday, 29 January 2013

      Capitalizing on the Client’s Bottom Line – RESULTS

      Clients hire 5WPR to get their brand the maximum ROI, which for some, might be sold product, website traffic, new clients for their service, and much more. The perfect picture any client paints when walking through 5WPR’s door is a sit down with Dr. Phil and a profile in The Wall Street Journal. Of course that type of tier one media is astonishing, but it isn’t always possible.

      What we have noticed, is that what is now the status quo in the PR industry – securing placements in some of the most top tier media – doesn’t always result in the best takeaway for a client’s business. There have been a large number of testimonials from the companies we represent that paint a different picture – one of specificity, precision, and singularity.

      There are a number of reasons that top-tier may not always be “best-tier” – lack of a target audience, omission of website links, poor SEO optimization for certain articles, etc.

      A Quantcast 400 client we represent is the ideal example – We’ve managed to secure them placement in some of the largest outlets in the U.S. (i.e. Huffington Post, New York Post, Fast Company, BuzzFeed, Mashable, etc). But a mention from a regional technology-based radio show with a die-hard following resulted in unprecedented traffic. These smaller, dedicated outlets can often time deliver unexpected results that work in your favor.

      Ronn Torossian



      Tuesday, 22 January 2013

      Tips from 5WPR CEO Ronn Torossian

      Some tips from 5WPR CEO Ronn Torossian book “For Immediate Release: Shape Minds, Build Brands, and Deliver Results with Game-Changing Public Relations”:
      1. Work hard. Work really hard—the harder I work the luckier I seem to become.
      2. PR is a 24/7 career. The news never stops. When a bomb goes off at 8 p.m., newspapers, cable channels, and digital media are running updates continuously.
      3. Don’t believe your mom’s PR (all the time). Be honest about what you’ve got to work with, and then work with what you’ve got. Deal with reality—PR only works if it’s based on something real.
      4. Look for marketing co-ops, especially if budget is an issue. There are many ways to get great visibility for a fraction of the price by sharing the spotlight with complementary brands that attract the same audience.
      5. Don’t reinvent the wheel. Given the surplus of marketing ploys out there, chances are there’s already an effort going on or a story line that ties in well with your brand that you can piggyback and ride the wave. For example, if you’re a beverage brand that caters to the college market, do product seeding through an event that’s already taking place on campus.
        Ronn Torossian

      Monday, 14 January 2013

      5WPR Help Wanted & TV Doesn’t Mean a Role Model

      After a great 2012 we are projecting an even stronger 2013, and as such at 5WPR we are hiring for numerous positions. We would love to hear from anyone with PR firm experience. Please send your resume to careers@5wpr.com

      Wanted to share a great quote made today to Fox News: “As one who owns a PR firm and works in marketing, I make sure that my kids understand that just because something is on TV doesn’t mean it is good – and I hope all others educate their kids the same way,” added Ronn Torossian, CEO of 5WPR. (And of course it is true).

      Read the whole article at: http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2013/01/08/oxygens-all-my-babies-mamas-sparks-calls-for-cancellation-before-it-even-airs/

      We always look forward to feedback on twitter @5w_pr or @rtorossian5wpr
